This exhibition has the concept of psychic print at its base, associated with the notion of kill time. Prints are generally physical marks which give us some kind of suggestion of the existence of an event. But all the experiences we have create an impact in our inner worlds, those are prints too, ones which mark us psychologically and make us live in a time inhabited by absences and past times which, however, are still substance of this present time.
The forms of the pieces in this exhibition do not respond to an specific physical model, this are forms that were generated by the accumulation of debris and waste material over different objects from dialy life. They are metaphoric forms with which I try to reflect on the passing of time and how when we remember we go back to the intensity of such remembered events.
It is specially important for me that my pieces should not develop a sculptural form neither should they show a particular narrative, I try to create pieces that achieve a sensitive impact on the viewer. That is how a series of work was born, objects that are a reservoir of time and subjectivity.
Because of the materials they are made of they are very fragile, their delicate consistency turns impossible their relocation, therefore the need to do a photographic register to be able to perform its exhibition. When getting to the photographic image of the pieces, a new way of perceiving them appears as well as a new and passionate field of work. The result of both processes, the one of constructing the pieces and the one of its photographic register, is what we offer you in this exhibition, and to which Laluz Gallery kindly opens its doors.
Aureliano Sánchez Tejada.


Aureliano Sánchez Tejeda
Individual Exhibitions
- 2014 Drawing and Painting, Casa Diego Rivera Mueseum, Guanajuato, Mexico
- 2011 The psychic print of kill time 2, Alternative Gallery, National Center of the Arts, Mexico City.
- 1997 Gabriel's gardens, Luis Nishizawa Workshop Museum, Toluca, Mexico.
- 1993 Landscapes on the drawings of Aureliano Sánchez, José María Velazco Museum, Toluca, Mexico.
- 1991 The sharp days, National Mueseum of Cultures, Mexico City.
- 2012 Doctorate Degree Cum Laude of Arts, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain.
- 1996 Master Degree of Arts, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City.
- 1980 Batchelor Degree of Visual Arts, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City.